Chimney Repair



Chimney Repair

Chimneys, just like any other part that makes up your home, may require a repair once in a while. As a matter of fact, chimneys happen to be abandoned and ignored quite often. Luckily for you, the expert technicians at Chimney Sweep Masters WA are well qualified to handle all chimney issues and restore it to its working condition in no time.

Chimney concerns we handle:

  1. Faulty or improperly installed flashing: The watertight connection between your roof and chimney is normally achieved by installing watertight metal flashing. Improperly installed flashing or damaged metal material can cause costly issues with your roof, drywall, and chimney.
  2. Missing or damaged equipment: when your chimney cap or crown is either gone or broken, water can pour straight down your chimney or slowly seep into your chimney structure, leading to long-term (and expensive) damage.
  3. Brick, stone or masonry issues: stone, brick and mortar joints may disintegrate over time and lead unwanted elements into your chimney structure, which may cause its condition to deteriorate further.

Quality repair services:

  • Chimney rebuilding in Seattle
  • Chimney repairs in Seattle
  • Crown repair in Seattle
  • Chimney relining and new liners in Seattle
  • Installation and repair of all types of chimney caps in Seattle
  • Firebox repair in Seattle
  • Flashing repairs in Seattle
  • Smoke chamber repair in Seattle
  • Tuckpointing in Seattle
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“I highly recommend Chimney Sweep Masters WA for my feature repairs! ”
by Christine Gonzalez

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+1 (206) 737-8884

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